Renewable Energy and the Future

Renewable energy is a big topic when it comes to the economy, pollution and climate change. While there are still considerable hurdles for renewable energy, the future looks bright. Technology and public policy is helping to spur a movement towards greater sustainability in energy.

One of the best news for renewable energy is that it is growing rapidly. Countries from all over the world are increasing their green energy output at an incredible rate. The United Kingdom surpassed a million solar panels back in 2018 and Australia had over two million solar panels. In the United States, it is estimated that there will be over four million solar panels within the next year or two.

Even less developed countries like Brazil, India, Ethiopia and China are building massive wind farms to harness renewable energy to power their economies. Massive wind farms projects such as the Wodongde project in China and Grand Renaissance Project in Ethiopia, are allowing rapidly developing economies to tap into renewable energy on a massive scale. A more mature economy such as Japan is also trying to harness more wind power by expanding offshore wind production and incorporating it into port development…



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